The secret book blurb analysis

Copywriting is a completely different skillset to creating fiction, and im here to help you get that blurb in tiptop shape. Blurbs are there to tell readers why they should pick up a copy of the book, not to offer a summary or synopsis of the book. Supersummary, a modern alternative to sparknotes and cliffsnotes, offers highquality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics. The book is based on pseudoscientific theory called the law. The secret river is the first in a trilogy known as the colonial trilogy. Nonfiction can be divided easily into two categories.

August boatright and her sisters, may and june, have a lucrative honey business on twentyeight acres of land. Stories of the law and how its broken is published by macmillan. They also meet neil, junes boyfriend of many years, who wants to marry june but keeps getting rejected. A blurb is long version of the storys hook or elevator pitch. May 12, 2020 nineteen eightyfour, novel by george orwell published in 1949 as a warning against totalitarianism. Frances hodgson burnett, the secret garden vintage childrens classics this book can be read by anyone over 9. The book is based on a pseudoscientific theory called the law of attraction the principle that like attracts like.

In the secret and the power, the bogus law of attraction meets. Analysis of promotional elements in the corpora reveals that online fiction book blurbs employ the art of advertising through the use of favorable expressions bhatia, 2005 and innovative uses of rhetorical strategies. Buy, sell and share photography books, wedding albums, portfolios and more. She read a book called the color purple, and immediately recognized herself as destined to. A few days ago, i received my discounted copy of my latest book from blurb. This is a contemporary story steeped in a deliciously gothic tone. I have been a long time user but they are unable to print photo books true to the original images.

Rhonda byrne then explains by controlling your thoughts and ensuring that they are of a positive nature, anything, in any aspect of life, is achievable. Analysis of promotional elements in the corpora reveals that online fiction book blurbs employ the art of advertising through the use of favorable expressions bhatia, 2005 and. Its hard to condense hundreds of pages into two or three paragraphs. Like the book cover is one of the biggest selling points for any book, a book blurb helps sell the idea of the book to those who are in search of reading something either new or out of their usually picked genres. Bookwright allows you to create an ebook and a print book, all from one file. The secret, which discusses the law of attraction and how to use it in your life, rose to the top of many bestseller lists and inspired offshoots like the secret gratitude book, the secret daytoday calendar, and its own official website. The secret is selfhelp book about the power of positive thinking by rhonda byrne. Long after you finish reading the novel, youll have visions of the secret garden, and the characters who made it. How is it that a writer can write a story spanning tens of thousands of words but stumble at a 250300 word book blurb describing it. Fixedlayout ebooks are built seamlessly as you design the book, so no additional steps needed. Print as you go sell one copy at a time and let blurb fulfill the orders or place a large order and sell inperson.

At the beginning of the book, we have a vicious murder, a frightening asylum setting for the criminally insane, and a suspect who refuses to speak. The secret is a selfhelp book about the power of positive thinking by rhonda byrne. This onepage guide includes a plot summary and brief analysis of the secret river by kate grenville. Rhonda byrne includes analysis summaries, instaread on. Is writing a cover blurb for a nonfiction book different than writing one for a novel. In this book, the author unveils a secret which she claims to have been known for centuries. Find a summary of this and each chapter of the secret garden. Fry reaches middle school readers with an action packed story that shows the problems near blind and autistic kids endure while teaching a bit of history along the way. The secret lake 811yrs karen inglis childrens books. June is suspicious of and distant from lily, and may seems slow and emotional. I am still avoiding psychological thrillers for the most part. The secret is now a modern classic and has a lot to offer for stress relief, but there are still negatives from a stress perspective. This was translated from the edition first published in france by emmanuel proust editions in 2003 under the title of mister brown.

The silent patient by alex michaelides is a 2019 celadon books publication. The secret the book that changed the world, by rhonda byrne. His chilling dystopia made a deep impression on readers, and his ideas entered mainstream culture in a way achieved by very few books. The secret by rhonda byrne contains information about a universal law. The pastoral story of selfhealing through nature and companionship became a classic of childrens literature and is considered to be among burnetts best work. Chapter summary for frances hodgson burnetts the secret garden, chapter 1 summary. In the words of the author, it has been passed down through the years, highly coveted, hidden, lost, stolen, and bought for vast sums of money. A smarter you in 15 minutes what is your time worth. The secret is a bestselling 2006 selfhelp book by rhonda byrne, based on the earlier film of the same name. Find all the books, read about the author, and more. Great blurb examples for nonfiction books cascadia author services. Specifically, byrne focuses on the idea that your dreams do in fact come true thinking about money and wealth will attract these very things, causing them to manifest in your life. I wanted to print a photo book with blurb for a long time, and finally ordered my first blurb photo book in june 2014.

Generic structure and promotional elements in bestselling. When this book first started to garner a little buzz, i initially shied away from it. Kate grenvilles the secret river is a sweeping tale of the founding of australia and the moral choices that created a nation. There is one big difference though between a book blurb and a synopsis.

By day, clumsy panda po works faithfully in his familys noodle shop, but by night he dreams of becoming a true master of the martial arts. The secret life of bees cliffsnotes study guides book. Put simply, being concise is hard, and being concise about something you know insideandout can seem downright impossible. It may be written by the author or publisher or quote praise from others. Youve written your book, but now you have to publish it and kdp has a box that you dread. But fear not, because theres a secret science to writing the perfect book blurb.

The secret lake 8 11yrs this is the first book i wrote and is really close to my heart im thrilled that it has now sold over 70,000 copies and has been hitting childrens best seller charts on amazon uk and 2018 2020. Mar 10, 2019 lets look at how to make your nonfiction cover blurb sell your book. The secret river study guide literature guide litcharts. The secret garden, novel for children written by american author frances hodgson burnett and published in book form in 1911. Frances hodgson burnett, the secret garden vintage childrens classics this book can be read by anyone over 9, advanced readers at around 7 or 8. The second book, the lieutenant begins in 1788 and follows an english lieutenant who learns the gadigal language from a young aboriginal girl. The secret adversary was released by harpercollins as a graphic novel adaptation on 20 may 2008, adapted by francois riviere and illustrated by frank leclercq isbn 0007274610. With her rich descriptions and seamless dialogue, author frances hodgson burnett captures the beauty of growth in the literal and figurative sense. Blurb definition in the cambridge english dictionary. Jun 11, 2014 writing a book blurb can be a challenge. Concepts such as big brother and the thought police are instantly recognized. The pseudoscience of the secret and the power the new york.

The secret river tells the story of william thornhill, a poor waterman from london who is deported, along with this family, to new south wales in 1806. Sell your book in the blurb bookstore, through amazon, or in the global retail network of over 38,000 retailers, libraries, and schools. This is a textbook example of a problemsolving nonfiction book blurb. The study indicates that blurbs may constitute a genre characterised by a definite communicative purpose and by the use of specific linguistic and discourse. Abstract the purpose of this paper is to present a preliminary approach to the study of blurbs, brief texts traditionally displayed on bookcovers, and nowadays also on the internet, which provide. A blurb is a short promotional piece accompanying a piece of creative work.

In kate grenvilles 2005 novel the secret river, william thornhill is. I hope this summary of the secret law of attraction book reaches. The secret is selfhelp book about the power of positive thinking by. Five stars the silent patient is a deep, dark tale of murder, love and revenge. It was funny with quick quips, but was a good way to fill a few minutes at a time. Has the secret by rhonda byrne been sitting on your reading list. The secret history of koch industries and corporate power in america kindle edition. That part of the book was incredibly interesting, but the rest of the book, the part detailing the fair folk was only decent. More specifically, the secret explains that like things attract, so positive, can do thoughts create positive outcomes while negative thoughts would create. Apr 21, 2017 a book blurb is your way of selling your book. It is based on the belief of the law of attraction, which claims that thoughts can change a persons life directly. What is the blurb of harry potter and the chamber of secrets.

The book has sold 30 million copies worldwide and has been translated into 50 languages. Pick up the key ideas in the book with this quick summary. Blurbs were originally printed on the back or rear dustjacket of a book, and are now found on web portals and news websites. Secrets of the book contains a fastpaced plot and realistic characters who face realworld problems. How to write a back cover blurb for a nonfiction book. Blurb, though usually known for their excellent photo album printing service, has recently started to reach out to selfpublishing writers and now prints traditional paperbacks as well. The book introduced many people to the concept that their thoughts may influence not only their actions but the experiences that they bring into their lives as well. Whats the difference between book blurb and synopsis. Blurb is a basic service useable for basic book printing. Its the perennial question of whether the blurbs on book covers are still meaningful or have become just background noise. How to write a nonfiction book cover blurb that sells. Their technical staff is obtuse and they use a biased color profile. Jul 14, 2010 the secret garden is ripe with lessons that transcend any traditional age barrier. This study guide consists of approximately 54 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of the husbands secret.